
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My first milestone means... Giveaway time!

Guess what!

I woke up this morning (After sleeping in until 10!! Holy cow, my husband is the best.) and when I checked on my blog I cheered and yelled to previously mentioned best husband, "I have 1001 pageviews on my blog!" (And it's up even higher by now!)

From the title of this post, can you guess what that means?!

Time for my first ever giveaway!

If you like the headband I posted about this morning, then you can win the one I used to demonstrate the steps for the tutorial!

I call it 'Love and Polka Dots' because it's made from pink, red, and black/white polka dot fabric.
And it's super cute!
( Like my sweet son, hence the picture with both.)

Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

That's it! Now go and tell all of your friends to come and enter too!


  1. Your blog looks great, Janae! I look forward to seeing all of your ideas.

  2. Girl! What a great idea! Love it. And the headband looks great!

  3. Super cute, looks very fun to make!

  4. Thanks for entering the and supporting my blog, ladies! It means a lot to me. As I hit bigger milestones, I'll be having bigger giveaways. Make sure you're following my blog so that you don't miss out on those opportunities!
