
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Paying It Forward

There’s a pay-it-forward crafty plan underway, and lots of bloggers appear to be joining in!
So, here’s how this pay-it-forward thing works:
I will send a surprise gift to the first three commenters on this post (and if there are more I might just send out more). The gift will be a handmade surprise by me and I will send it to you sometime in the next 365 days. All you need to do is the following:
  • Leave me a comment and include your email address (if you profile doesn’t link back) so I can get in touch with you about your mailing address and some other information about yourself.
  • To complete signing up, you MUST play along too by blogging a similar post and pledging to make a surprise for the first 3 people who comment on it.

So, do you want to play along?
Comment below, and I’ll send a thoughtful gift to the first three people who do.
Let's pay it forward to one another!


  1. I'd love to do this - I will post my little post tomorrow though, as it is nearly bedtime at the moment in the UK.

    Hope that still counts!


  2. I don't really have a blog but I can totally do this via Facebook.

    - Holly Terry

  3. Am I #3? Did I make it? This is such a great idea and I would love to participate :)

    Plus, I'm sure whatever you make will be totally awesome!

  4. Oh yay! Thank you, thank you ladies! I was kind of worried that no one would comment. Now I'm even more excited to do this! Huzzah! Keep your eyes open for an email from me in the next day or so.

    And if you're just now reading this and think it's too late, don't fret. I bet you can follow the trail of comments and find a blog to participate on! Or you can politely ask me to participate anyway and I may allow it... ;)
