
Monday, November 5, 2012

My Latest Creation...

The most recent thing I've made is a little unorthodox for myself and my blog. But I did make it, nonetheless.

I've had a laptop for the past while. I bought it refurbished for pretty cheap and it worked really well for a while. But ever since I've gotten my Canon Rebel, and been putting hundreds and hundreds of pictures on it, it's been getting really bogged down. It's not made to handle that much stuff, or any PC games that I like to play with my brothers. It was time for an upgrade. I started looking at computers a few months ago, trying to decide what to get. I asked my brother, who studied computer science in college and has had a passion for it for nearly all of his life, and he suggested that I build my own.

I'd never even considered that. I don't know enough about computer to even know where to start. But that's what he was there for. I told him my wishes and needs for this new computer, and he told me what parts I should get. I bought them from Newegg and used a bunch of discounts.

The boxes arrived here the following day. And I got to work.

Making sure everything got shipped.

Reading manuals before taking anything out of its packaging.

It was much easier than I anticipated. In the past when I'd look inside a computer, my eyes would gloss over and I'd suddenly feel like everyone around me was speaking some language I didn't know. It always intimidated me and I could never understand how people did it.

So I did some research online, learning about how to build a computer. I looked up tutorials, DIY forums, and asked my brother a few questions I needed answered, and then I went for it.

Everything plugs into the power source and the motherboard, and it's impossible to plug something into the wrong spot because of how each cord and plug is made. So you can really only put it together the right way.

I'm quite pleased with it. Now I can install all the games I want, put all the pictures on it I want, and run whatever programs I need to , and it can more than handle it all.

Organizing wires is important for maximum airflow so that things don't overheat on the inside.
This is what the inside looked like right after I plugged everything in, before organizing it.

And this is the final product! Look at how clean and organized the inside is! 

Now my only problem is this slow internet connection. That's a problem for another day I suppose.

So, if you're considering a new computer and you're not sure where to start, consider building your own! And if you're not very experienced with that, I guarantee there's plenty of help out there.

What kind of computer do you have and do you wish it was different?

1 comment:

  1. Love it! My husband built his own computer and so when we do the Communications pin in Cub Scouts, my husband brings his computer and takes it apart in front of them because they have to learn the names of parts. The boys think he is a genius and they love to dig in the tower and really get to experience the different parts of the computer instead of looking at a paper diagram.
    Good for you for being brave and tackling such an intimidating project.
